Well hello there!
I'm so glad you're here. My name is Jeremiah Spangler and I am an artist. 
I've heard it said that an artist chooses not to look away, but it's more than that. An artist dives in. We subject ourselves to the depth of experience life has to offer, and then we name it. 
Through written word, a moving tune, a striking image, or a captivating tale, it's the job of an artist to see and name truth in this chaotic, heavy world. In this naming, we create the opportunity for others to see and name similar experiences in their own lives. This shared experience connects us with others and through this connection, meaning is created, joy is shared, and suffering is resurrected.
Why am I sharing this with you? Because it makes me an incredible asset to your creative team. I am able to dive to the heart of a problem, see past the assumptions, and ask the questions that no one else thinks to, which can lead to powerful creative direction. 
Some fun facts.
1) I've been happily married to the kindest woman in the world (featured above) for the past five years.
2) I have two Australian Cattle Dogs that are absolutely nuts and a cat that's allergic to the world. I love them all. 
3) I've written an epic fantasy novel, and I'm working to get it published. 
4) I'm a total beach bum, though these days I'm living in the forests of Southern Alabama and don't get to the sea as often as I should. 
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